Monday, October 21, 2013

Jobs 2013 DVDRip (English) Download Free

Jobs 2013 torrentDOWNLOAD

Seeds: 125Peers: 95
Torrent Size: 815 mb
Files: 3

Torrent Health Torrent Health
Year: 2013
Director: Joshua Michael Stern
Genres: Biography, Drama
Stars: Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Josh Gad

Runtime: 128 min
Language: English
Subtitles: French
Frame Rate: 23.9 fps
Video Bitrate: 5228 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 320 kbps
Verified uploader

The story of Steve Jobs drop out of college climbing one of the most respected creative entrepreneurs of the 20th century.

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